About Us
Upskilling Preservice Teachers to Support Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Digital Social Stories
EARLY-ASD is an innovative Erasmus+ project aimed at empowering preservice teachers to support young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through early intervention strategies. The project focuses on enhancing the social and emotional skills of children with ASD by bringing together experienced partners from across Europe to ensure inclusive and effective education practices.
Together, we strive to promote digital transformation, inclusion, and excellence in teacher training for a better future.
Higher Education Course Currciulum
EARLY-ASD aims to develop a HE Course Curriculum with a specific focus on early intervention in developing social and
emotional skills of young children with ASD by creating digital social stories and training preservice teachers who will teach
young children, and developing a handbook that will serve as a practical guide.
Evidence-based Early Intervention Strategies
The EARLY-ASD project aims to provide evidence-based early intervention strategies to support the social and emotional development of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Practical Implementation
The project also focuses on training pre-service teachers to apply digital social stories efficiently, ensuring practical implementation. Through a structured piloting process in preschool settings, EARLY-ASD seeks to improve the social and emotional development of children with ASDProject Results

Course Curriculum
HE Course curriculum with a specific focus on early intervention in developing social and emotional skills of preschool children with ASD

Digital Social Stories
Digital social stories, explaining social situations in intelligible ways, teach social skills and help children cope with difficulties in social situations

Practical Guidebook
Practical Guide on "How to use digital social stories for the social and emotional development of children with ASD?"